Sapele 일반 정보 및 응용

1. Sapele 일반 정보 이 나무는 열대 아프리카 출신으로, Sapele이라는 이름은 나이지리아의 Sapele 도시에서 유래되었습니다. 이것은 많은 사람들이 생각하는 침엽수가 아닌 낙엽수와 나무입니다. 이 종은 베트남에서 오랫동안 나타 났으며 주로 북부 산악 지역이나 고지대에서 자랍니다. 그들은 평평한 지형에서 해발 600m 떨어진 곳에서 자랍니다. 종은 최대 45 미터 (드물게 60 미터)까지 자랍니다. Sapele은 10-12 년 후에 […]

Sapele informations générales et application

1. Informations générales sur Sapele L’arbre est originaire d’Afrique tropicale, le nom Sapele vient de celui de la ville de Sapele au Nigeria. Il s’agit d’un arbre à feuilles caduques et de feuillus, et non de résineux comme beaucoup le pensent. Cette espèce est apparue au Vietnam depuis longtemps, principalement dans les régions montagneuses du […]

Informations générales et application concernant Rain Tree / Samanea Saman

1. Informations générales sur Rain Tree / Samanea Saman / Monkey Pod Raintree, parfois appelé saman, singe pod ou suar, est originaire d’Amérique centrale et d’Amérique du Sud. Mais il a été largement introduit en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est, ainsi que dans les îles du Pacifique, y compris Hawaii. Il a un arbre […]

Rain Tree/ Samanea Saman general information and application

1. Rain Tree/ Samanea Saman/ Monkey Pod general information Raintree also sometimes known as saman, monkey pod or suar, originated from Central and South America. But it has been widely introduced to South and Southeast Asia, as well as the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii. It has a wide-canopied tree with a large symmetrical umbrella-shaped crown. Rain […]

Supply of European Oak Wood Logs

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

Advantages of Acacia Wood Noodle Board

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

The pros and cons of radiata pine wood in productions

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

How To Choose Quality Finger Jointed Boards Which Meet Your Needs

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

The application and classification of radiata pine wood board

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

The pros and cons of radiata pine wood in production 10

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]

The pros and cons of radiata pine wood in production 9

1. Sapele general information The tree is native to tropical Africa, the name Sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria. This is a deciduous tree and hardwood, not softwood as many people think. This species has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, mainly growing in the northern mountainous areas or […]


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